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Slice of bread with strawberry preserve on it. Next to it a Just Spread Strawberry preserve in a glass jar.
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Our Story

We remember our grandparents making real food in their kitchens... simple, healthy, and delicious foods. They only used essential ingredients, and didn't have to worry about GMOs, artificial colors, artificial flavors, preservatives, high-fructose corn syrup...the list goes on and on.


As parents of young children, we've always had to worry about the foods we are serving our children. We've been frustrated and confused by ingredient lists we can't even pronounce, and products which contain little of the ingredient that is being advertised. So, we decided to do something about it.


With great care and passion, we developed Just Spread, a brand that offers simple, healthy, and delicious spreadable foods… Made with only essential ingredients and nothing more.

Our promise to you: Just Spread will always have the highest quality ingredients available from around the world. Hand-picked by us, our Fruit Preserves, Honey, and Nut Spreads will never contain GMOs or artificial ingredients, or use any other ingredients that make you cringe.

So join us! Try Just Spread, and become part of the journey to bring simple, healthy, and delicious foods back into homes across America.

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